14082012 | TAGS | PERSONAL | kaiiwong, bloggers, fashion bloggers, views, opinion


Fashion Blogging. The online fashion diaries of many. Boys and Girls who started their blog to show their view on fashion or just to inspire others with their creative ideas. To be honest, I wonder where most of them went lately.What started so innocent as the girl in front of the mirror making pictures with her mobile phone has turned into a race about hits, views, rates and followers.
Almost every day my blog is getting the same comments with the question "I follow
you, you follow me back" and I think I'm not the only one who's more than sick of it. A serious reply on your content is soo much more worthy.Correct me if I'm wrong but it's starting to remind me of High School where you need to collect as much as possible votes (likes) to become the Student Council president. Do I really have to play this pathetic game at the age of 23 ?? Is that where blogging is for ?? I dont think so..
I'm not saying that it's wrong to promote your blog because visitors dont come out of nowhere but I follow you when you are inspiring to me, not just because I want you to follow me.
To be honest it seems to me that bloggers and a part of the Fashion industry forgot and don't care about the content as long if Google Friend connect, statics and all that are counting more than "Too much".
I can understand that a (part) of the fashion industry wants their brand or whatever to grow and to be seen by a big amount of people but there is more behind the horizon.
Now that fashion blogs are popping up like mushrooms it's hard to see the wood for the trees but creativity and great blogs are still out there. That's why I think it's stupid and wrong to stick by one select group of bloggers and forget about the rest. It's good to be more strict and selective when it comes to bloggers but keep your eyes open, give new creativity a chance, embrace it and think out of the box. It's time for a new way.
What your view is on this issue ?? Dont hesitate to comment me about it.

29 opmerkingen:

fran zei

I think just the same like you. every month i am finding amazing styles in unique new blogs...

Anoniem zei

Kaiiwong: I just love the way you write cause you cause your point of view is so objective!

I think like you, a blogger needs followers, views, rates, etc but it comes when you add effort and just say "follow me and I follow you" is kinda boring, a serious reply or an honest opinion is better!, cause at the end blogging is more than just a hobbie, is part of a lifestyle, don´t you think?

I´m becoming a fan of your blog, of your opinions and your photos, so let me know if we can make a little project, something like a collaboration, (my mail

Have a nice week, Kaiiwong

Anoniem zei

I agree with you ! That's why i delete the comments from my blog. At the end, i was fed up of the " follow me/follow back"

Great post !




finaly somebody is telling the truth

Robin Bery zei

exactly, you got it. Agree with that.

WOLF359 zei

I completely agree! I'm really starting to loathe the blogs that do it all for the rate of comments and followers.
That's why I rather have 3 followers that keep coming back because they're truly interested by the things I choose to write about, than 30 that just come on my blog for selfpromotion, not even taking the time to read the post they just commented on...

Quality over quantity, right?

Jason Laucht zei

Very sharp bold n straightforward! One of the many reasons why i migrated to wordpress because blogger is polluted with this kind of attitude. Our contents are no longer valuable because they arent really appreciate them. Very few are and that is so devastating because blogger or wordpress to name a few are platforms where you express your feeling n share your passion (mostly) to get feedbacks. Good feedbacks and that follow me i follow u term is unfortunately part of the routine which unfortunately, irritating?. We appreciate good blogs, good contents, good images and we are certainly coming back without being told even without leaving a feedback.

Thank u for pointing this out baby.


Unknown zei

Ok first of all very cute picture haha, it's irony in it greatest blogger form ;) and am glad u like my outfit and will shoot it haha. secondly, I too have been pondering about all these bloggers and their goal to accumulate followers. The thing is I feel like many readers validate a blog by its stats rather than its content. It seems that people they what others are following, it's a trend too. They feel like a bog with only 13 followers of GFC and 11 on bloglovin' must be crappy and not updated often so they go straight to fashion toast or fashion squad thinking that their blog content is what they SHOULD be reading, regardless of how much their style probably not matching theirs.

The best solution I think is for someone to go through all these new blogs and promote them somehow by doing more 'up-and-coming- blogger reviews yet then again the ironic thing is that this might make their somewhat popular blog POPULAR then they fall into the heavy weight big leagues again..... I think just look at others' blogs and find those whose aesthetic or writing style really inspires you. I understand the need to gain followers and 'popularity' as many think just having a blog will get you into shows (wtf?), but do take your time and not scrape followers too harshly, let them come to you.

xx nathan.niche

Mary ♡ Fashionbirds zei

Thank you for those words; you're totally right! Your thoughts are exactly what is going through my mind, especially since my blog switched from Wordpress to Blogger. I blog almost 2 years by now and clearly I'm addicted to it. It is amazing to get feedback from people and it is even more amazing to know that my style, my inspirations and my opinions about fashion inspire others and give them new ideas. This is why I love reading through different blogs, finding bloggers from all over the planet that stand out of the crowd and can give me a total different view on style and fashion. Also, I can appreciate good photography and creative texts. To me good blogs are the free version of fun glossy fashion magazines. And you're right, the hunt for hits and followers shouldn't be in the foreground although, yes, getting feedback is flattering and needed as well. (yet... I can't really appreciate that follow you, follow me chitchat either...)

Sorry for my yackety-yack... :) I wish you a wonderful time in Paris with your love, may the sunshine be with you! And yes, Rue Saint Honore is actually my favorite for shopping strolling! :D All the best, xoxo M.

christian zei

Je hebt helemaal gelijk, het is ook zoon massa industrie aan het worden, het begon allemaal met leuke blogs die groter en groter en groter worden en toen kwamen de adverteerders die meer pagevieuws wilde zien en toen werd de blog wereld obsessed met vieuws, followers enz..

April zei

A-freaking-men! I get so sick of comments where people just want me to follow them or "like" their content. I love looking at other blogs, but if they aren't inspiring me or have solid reading material I dont care to follow them. Blogging isn't a popularity contest, its a creative outlet.

This post was very well said!


Sofie zei

Leuke foto! En ik ben het zó met je eens, ik word echt onnozel van altijd dat 'ik volg je, volg je me terug?'. Ik moet zeggen dat ik daar gewoon nooit op reageer. Allemaal lege reacties noem ik dat, ze lezen of bekijken je artikel amper maar vragen wel om volger te worden, wat heb je daar nu aan? Ik weiger om mensen te volgen wiens blog mij totaal niet kan boeien, gewoon omdat zij mij ook volgen. Ik heb liever mensen die mijn artikels tenminste lezen! Ik vind het erg interessant dat je hier een artikel over schrijft :)

Sharon (Style-Chameleon) zei

Helemaar waar, ik ben het helemaal met je eens!

Ik heb genoten van dit artikel :)

Jammer dat je niet naar dat Esprit event gaat, maar wel leuk dat je naar Parijs gaat!
Wat zijn je plannen voor daar?


Unknown zei

I follow you already, but I have to say this photo is awesome!:)


Xaviera zei

AMEN! You're definitely preaching the truth. Blogging is all about creativity, getting inspired and enjoy other people's point of view on fashion. And I too choose quality over quantity: the stats, rates, followers, etc. don't mean shit if your content sucks. So hell yeah! I AGREE with you big time!


P.s. That photo is fantastic!

Andudei Hardyanta zei

I got it, agree with you.
Why I should follow a blog If I don't like its content.
Nice eyecat framed glasses by the way.. :D

M. Ersa Adiprasetya zei

I agree with you... fashion blog is about creativity and how to you appreciate fashion in your own way... and if some people feels inspiring with your blog is mean your blog content is really interesting..

by the way i love how you illustrate this post with your photo! nice expression and i love your eyecat glasses :)

Hei Echa!

DictatesofFashion zei

Wow! Helemaal gelijk heb je! 'I follow you, follow me back', zo belachelijk! Of een andere reactie in deze aard; 'ik kwam je blog tegen, en vind ze geweldig' (meestal zelfs nog een iets langere reactie). Maar als ik dan even rondsnuffel op andere blogs zie ik dat deze reactie gewoon copy paste is. En dit allemaal zoals je zelf zegt om meer views en volgers te hebben... Dan vraag je je af of andere reacties wel gemeend zijn! We zouden hierover uren kunnen blijven doorgaan!
Heel boeiende post!!

Take A Glass zei

I totally agree with you.
Blogs of some "fashionista" in the long run is really annoying ... And there is a feeling of "deja vu"

Anyway, I wanted to inform you that I created a new section: "Street Style" on my blog. I'm just beginning in this area and I would like your opinion on my first pictures :)
See you!


niceeee heheheheh

Street Fashion Paris zei

Very straight forward sir!!! I detest that kind of comments as well!!! nice statement!!! xx

Urbanmanbas zei

Abrazo, Germán.

Jennie from the Blog zei

helemaal waar!! goed dat je dit hebt gepost en dat je eerlijk zegt wat je vindt :) veel plezier nog in Parijs!

Michiel Steur zei

soooooo right!

Nataša Kolláriková zei

Je hebt echt gelijk!

Ik vraag het zelf nooit maar nu ik sinds kort ook blog is het aan de ene kant wel moeilijk om vanaf scratch aan followers te komen. Ik begrijp dat men je content moet lezen maar hoe heb jij je blog aan de niche markt waar jij je op focust ´bekend´ gemaakt? Ik zou graag tips willen ontvangen die mij kunnen helpen mijn blog, mijn doelgroep te bereiken zonder bij elke blog te zetten of ze me alsjeblieft willen volgen.

Dus heb je ´normale´ tips hoor ik deze graag :)


Mlle W zei

Interesting topic.

I can understand your annoyance, but I actually consider it sweet and a token of insecurity when bloggers ask me this question. You remarked that it's predominantly girls that ask you this. I noticed this on my blog as well: the need to be liked that is higher present with girls. Men often consider themselves amazing so they won't really ask to follow you back, but I once had that too and I think it was quite a feminine gesture.

From your perspective I understand you find the need to 'score' on their account to be annoying. From their perspective they'll probably consider you hot property on the blogger-market these days: being male and popular is interesting for female bloggers who just leaped out of puberty, as they will score 'extra credit'-marks when you follow them too (if we still use the 'score' language on this field).

However, if you feel 'trapped' by blogs that you followed: to de-follow, here's the link if you wanna <a href="*De-back-follow *</a>

Another thing, I don't know you but I'm happy you found love in Paris. I always thought that you were not the romantic type, more someone who is just into “een beetje rondscharrelen”. Anyway, cute to see bloggers evolve and there's is nothing that gives you life experience as being romantically involved with someone from another country.

Duck zei

Thanks for pointing this post out to me (good promotion there, haha!), it's something I too have been thinking about a lot. I keep getting emails from companies and PRs asking me for my monthly stats (I always reply: Get lost, but in a nice way). It's so annoying... And then there are the people who comment on your blog/FB/instagram "Follow me! Follow me! I follow back! LIKE ME DAMN YOU!". It's just...pathetic.

The problem is that people think blogging is a way to make money and a way to make a career. But it's not, and I think people need to realise that.

Very few people are making big bucks out of blogging, or have used it to springboard into an amazing fashion career. The reality is the bloggers who made it did so because their blogs are very high quality - they are super photographers, or writers, or designers. Or they started early enough... You're not going to get to that level by self-promotion alone. Do think Tommy Ton or Susie B plaster their comments with links back to their own sites?

There are idiots in the fashion industry who only seem to want to interact with bloggers who have very high traffic or numbers of comments (only generated of course by they themselves, or their "interns", commenting on lots and lots of other blogs). They might think this is giving their brands lots of promotion, but is it good quality promotion? Especially for high fashion brands, they need to be very careful with what kind of online image they are portraying. So it might be more sensible for them to work with a few niche, high quality brands with fewer, but more dedicated and involved, followers.

Or maybe brands shouldn't work with bloggers at all. In some cases I don't see why they need to...

Duck zei

Reading over the other comments it's funny to see how many are also just here to promote themselves :)