15092012 | TAGS | REVIEW | vogue fashion night out, vogue nederland, amsterdam, pc hooftstraat, de bijenkorf, karin swerink, kaiiwong


The streets of Amsterdam were breathing fashion during the 1st edition of the Vogue Fashion Night Out and what a blast it was. Besides meeting all my blogger friends that night ( like Kimberley from AlwaysDifferent on the pictures) I met some cool Dutch Designers who where showing off their work at De Bijenkorf, the biggest warehouse of Amsterdam. You could walk on the high platform heels of Jan Taminiau (unfortunately not my size), picture yourself in the body sculptures of Bibi van der Velden or got your Vogue T-shirt customized by Erik Frenken, the Head-Designer of the brand Avelon. Later that evening it was time to hit up the shopping streets of Amsterdam who were filled with parties and the sound of popping champagne bottles. Shops like Chanel, Michael Kors and Burberry opened there store for this amazing event. It was a wonderful evening but the crazy night had to get started yet by party my shoes off at the Vogue Fashion Night Out Afterparty at the Conservatorium Hotel where the "Vogue..Strike A Pose" Cocktails where waiting for me !! Finally Amsterdam is slowly but surely growing to be a Fashion capital for my opinion thanks to the help of a bit Vogue Nederland in our Dutch lifes.

15 opmerkingen:

fran zei

i love your special look to the event. you are great

i have a new look: james dena tshirt

Anoniem zei

You're lucky, Kaiiwong! Love all your pictures and the quality! Great post, great outfit and a great event!

christian zei

Jeej zag eruit alsof je je vermaakt hebt!


My Dutch Fashion Style

Mlle W zei

cute blazer

simmon#said zei

the perfect blazer for the perfect plan

great pictures!

Unknown zei

Love the funny poses you do in VFNO, come on people lets all take a fashion shower... together.... LOL If you want to know what I wore to LFW for the first day, check out my new outfit post, beware I am wearing the double GIVENCHY nose rings lol-

xx nathan.niche

DictatesofFashion zei

Woowww dat event ziet er super leuk uit! Tof om te lezen hoe het er aan een Fashion Night Out aan toe gaat! Die voorlaatste foto is by the way awesome!

Sharon (Style-Chameleon) zei

Mooie foto's weer!

FAdam zei

such a great photos :] I like 1st the most :)

Isabella | THE PILE OF STYLE zei

This looks great, really nice style and great photos.
I'd love if you'd have time to check out my blog,
maybe follow each other if we aren't already...

Mary ♡ Fashionbirds zei

You look fab!!

xoxo, Mary ♡ Fashionbirds

Anoniem zei

me gusta mucho tu blog, me gustaria que me visitaras y me diras el visto bueno ya que soy nuevo en esto de los blogs, un saludo

te dejo aqui mi dirección:

Joshua Tjandra zei

Great time wasn't it? I envy you & I envy you for your blazer & golden shirt inside even more <3

Puck Litaay zei

Wat heb je een tof jasje aan, erg leuke foto's Valentino!

Puck |

issatchieu zei

I really feel u deserve many more followers out there. U HAVE AN IMPECCABLE STYLE & CREATIVITY. Love what you do here. ALOT.